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IBM C30-2006-1 Remote Job Entry May68 free download

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File No. S360-36 Form C30-2006-1 Systems Reference Library IBM System/360 Operating System Remote Job Entry Program Number 360S-RC-536 This manual is designed to present the general con- cepts and facilities of RJE which allow users at remote locations to submit jobs over communication lines to an IBM System/360 using the Operating System that provides multiprogramming with a variable number of tasks. Information on the capabilities and uses, the operating environment, and work station states and activities is included for the programmer and operator of the system. The Job Entry Control Language is introduced and explained. The Job Entry Definition Statement, work station commands, messages sent to work stations, and central commands are discussed in terms of their func- tions, and how the user employs them in programs. A discussion of RJE generation includes the neces- sary macro instructions. Communication Serviceability Facilities, such as error recovery procedures, and sys- tem restart procedures are discussed separately as well as with the work stations. Form C30-2006-1, Page Revised by TNL N30-2520, 7/1/68 Remote Job Entry (RJE) extends Opera'ting IBM System/360 work station System facilities to remote users. This publication describes the facilities pro- IBM System/360 Basic Operating System: vided by RJE, the use of these facilities and the creation of an RJE system. A brief System Generation and Maintenance, Form description of the related telecommunica- C24-5060 tions systems is included. Operating pro- cedures are defined for the central instal- Programmer's Guide, Form C24-3372 lation and the various work stations. This publication also introduces Job Entry Con- Operating Guide, Form C24-3450 trol Language (JECL) with which a user requests, controls, and maintains RJE faci- Operator Messages, Form C24-5024 lities in the system. Assembler With Input/Output Macros, Form C24-3361 The RJE user should be familiar with the concepts and terminology introduced in: IBM System/360 Basic Programming Support Programmer's Guide, Form C24-3354 IBM System/360 Operating System: Operating Guide - Basic Tape System Introduction, Form C28-6534 Jm, Form C24-3391 ~oncepts and Facilities, Form C28-6535 System Generation

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